10 Protective Prayers Against Bullying

Bullying is a serious issue that affects many individuals, both young and old. It can cause physical and emotional harm and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s well-being.

May these prayers be a source of comfort and strength for all those affected by bullying.

Prayer For You to Stop Being Bullied

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a heavy heart, as I am struggling with the pain and hurt caused by those who bully me. I pray for your protection and guidance as I navigate through this difficult time.

I ask for the strength and courage to stand up against the hurtful words and actions of my bullies. Help me to believe in myself and to know that I am worthy of love and respect. Give me the wisdom to know when to confront my bullies and when to seek help from others.

I pray for healing for the emotional wounds caused by the bullying. I pray for the restoration of my self-esteem and self-worth. Help me to see my value and worth in your eyes and to know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I also pray for my bullies, that they may come to see the harm their actions cause and to change their ways. I pray that they may find kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in their hearts.

I trust in your loving and faithful nature, dear God. I know that with you by my side, I can overcome any obstacle. Thank you for your love and grace. Amen.

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Short Prayer for You to Stop Being Bullied

Dear God, I come to you today as someone who is being bullied. I ask for your strength and courage to get through this difficult time. Help me to remember my worth and that I am loved and valued. Give me the words to speak out and the support I need to stand up for myself. I pray for the bullies as well, that they may come to understand the harm they cause and change their behavior. Please guide me towards a resolution and bring peace to my life. Amen.

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Prayer for You Who Are Being Bullied at School

Dear God, please guide and protect me as I navigate the challenges of school. Give me the wisdom to handle the bullying I am facing in a way that is safe and effective.

Help me to stay focused on my studies and not let the bullying distract me from my goals. Provide supportive teachers, staff and other adults who will advocate for me and provide a safe environment.

Give me the strength to speak out and seek help when needed. Help me to see the good in myself and others, and to rise above the negativity.

Help my bullies to understand the harm they are causing and to change their behavior. Let my experiences be transformed into something positive and bring hope and change to others who are facing similar situations. Amen.

Prayer for You Who Are Being Bullied at Work

Dear Lord,

I come to you today seeking your strength and guidance as I face bullying at my workplace. I ask for the courage and wisdom to handle this difficult situation with grace and dignity.

I ask that you surround me with your love and protection, and give me the support I need to speak out against the bullying I am facing. Help me to find the right people to turn to for help and guidance, and surround me with people who will support and encourage me.

I pray that the bully will see the error of their ways and that they will stop the bullying behavior. I pray for peace, love, and understanding in the workplace, and that justice will be served.

I put my faith in you, Lord, and trust in your plan for me. Give me the strength to endure this difficult time and to come out stronger on the other side. Amen.

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Short Prayer for You Who Are Being Bullied at Work

Dear God, please give me the strength and courage to stand up against the bullying I am experiencing at work. Help me to speak out against the injustice and to stand up for myself. Give me the wisdom to handle this situation with grace and integrity. Protect me from harm and guide me towards a resolution that is fair and just. Amen.

Prayer for Protection From Bullies

Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a heavy heart, as I am struggling with the pain and hurt caused by those who bully me. I ask for your protection and guidance as I navigate through this difficult time.

I pray for your shield of defense to surround me and keep me safe from harm. I ask for your angels to watch over me and to guide me away from any danger.

I also pray for my bullies, that they may come to see the harm their actions cause and to change their ways. I pray that they may find kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in their hearts.

Thank you for your protection and guidance, dear God. I trust in your unfailing love and I know that you will always be with me, watching over me and keeping me safe. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer Against Cyber Bullying

Heavenly Father, I come to you today seeking your protection and guidance against the harm caused by cyberbullying. I pray for your shield of defense to surround me and keep me safe from the hurtful words and actions of those who bully me online.

I ask for your wisdom and guidance as I navigate through this difficult time. Help me to know when to confront my cyber bullies and when to seek help from others. Give me the strength and courage to stand up against their cruelty and to believe in myself and my worth.

I also pray for my cyberbullies, that they may come to see the harm their actions cause and to change their ways. I pray that they may find kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in their hearts.

I trust in your loving and faithful nature, dear God. I know that with you by my side, I can overcome any obstacle. Thank you for your love and grace. Amen.

Prayer for a Child Being Bullied

Dear God, please watch over and protect this child who is being bullied. Give them strength and courage to stand up for themselves and the wisdom to seek help. Surround them with loving and supportive friends and family. Help their bullies to understand the harm they are causing and to change their behavior. Give comfort and peace to the child and their loved ones. Amen.

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Prayer for Parents of a Bullied Child

Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your protection and guidance for our child. We pray that you surround them with your love and grace, and that they may feel your constant presence in their life. We ask that you give them the strength and courage to stand up for themselves and speak out against the hurt and harm they are experiencing. We pray for the bullies themselves, that they may find kindness and compassion in their hearts and learn to treat others with respect and dignity. We ask that you heal our child from the emotional pain caused by bullying and give them the peace of mind and self-worth they need to be happy and successful. We trust in your plan and know that you are always with us. Amen.

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Prayer to End All Forms of Bullying

Dear God, we come to you today asking that you would put an end to all forms of bullying. Whether it be in the workplace, in schools, or in our communities, we ask that you would intervene and bring an end to the hurt and harm caused by bullies. We pray for your protection over all those who are being bullied and ask that you would give them the strength and courage they need to stand up against their oppressors. We also pray for the bullies themselves, that they would come to see the error of their ways and turn away from their harmful behavior. We ask all these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

3 thoughts on “10 Protective Prayers Against Bullying

  1. Thank you for sharing all these words of encouragement to God Be The Glory Thank You Jesus Amen Grace Grace ❤️ ???? ????

    1. Thank you Patricia for sharing. I am a senior citizen that gets bullied from time to time in a seniors home by residents who don’t know any better. I will keep you in prayer.

    2. I am bullied at work please pray for me I tried to get this unpleasant drama resolved but it didn’t work out for me because of the bully who hates me for me I am tired of hearing her saying words that hurt my name she calls me stupid a lot of times!

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