33 Short Prayers to Protect You and Your Family

Protection is the act of safeguarding oneself or someone else from harm, danger or loss. In spiritual practice, it is often sought through prayer.

May these prayers offer protection to all who recite them.

Short Prayer for Your Protection

Lord, I place myself under your protection. Guard my mind and body, and keep my spirit safe. Shield me from all negative influences, and guide me towards safety and security. I trust in you to keep me safe and secure, now and always. Amen.

Short Prayer for Your Protection from Evil

Lord, I ask for your protection against all forms of evil. Shield me from harm and danger, and keep my mind, body and soul safe. May your holy presence surround me, and may your light guide me through the darkness. In your holy name, I pray for protection and safety. Amen.

Short Prayer for Protection from Evil Spirits

Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking for protection against any and all evil spirits that may try to harm me or those I love. I trust in your power and love to guard and guide me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and strengthen my faith as I resist any temptations from the enemy. Please surround me and my loved ones with your protective angels and guide us to walk in your light and truth. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Short Prayer for Family Protection

Heavenly Father, please watch over and protect my family. Keep us safe from harm and danger, and guide us on our journey together. Give us the strength to face any challenges that come our way and the wisdom to make the right decisions. Surround us with your loving presence and blessings. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Healing and Protection

Dear God, I ask for your healing and protection. Please guide the hands of the medical professionals treating me and grant me the strength to overcome any illness or injury. Shield me from harm and danger, and fill my heart with hope and peace. I trust in your healing power and give thanks for your protection. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Protection from Covid

Dear Lord, we ask for your protection and healing during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. We trust in your power to heal and protect us from all harm. Please guide and protect all medical professionals and researchers working to find a cure. Strengthen our immune systems and give us wisdom to make safe and healthy choices. We trust in your love and mercy, and pray for a swift end to this pandemic. Amen.

Short Bedtime Prayer for Protection

Gracious God, as I lay down to sleep, I ask for your protection. Watch over me and keep me safe throughout the night. Guide my dreams and bring me peace and rest. I trust in your love and care, and give thanks for your constant protection. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Your Child’s Protection

Heavenly Father, I entrust my [daughter/son] to your loving protection. Please watch over them and guide them on their journey. Give them the strength to face any challenges that come their way, and the wisdom to make the right decisions. Surround them with your loving presence and blessings and keep them safe from harm and danger. Amen.

Short Prayer to Protect Your Child from Evil

Heavenly Father, I entrust my child to your loving protection. Keep them safe from harm and any form of evil. Guide their thoughts and actions, and fill their heart with love and kindness. I trust in your love and know that you are always watching over them. Amen.

Short Catholic Prayer for Protection

Heavenly Father, I entrust myself to your loving care. Protect me from harm and guide me on my journey. Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and all the angels and saints, keep me safe in your embrace. Amen.

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Short Night Prayer for Protection

Lord, I entrust myself to your protection. Keep me safe through the night, and wake me in the morning renewed and refreshed. Watch over my loved ones and keep them safe as well. In your loving care, I find peace and rest. Amen.

Short Night Prayer for Protection From Evil

Dear Lord, as I lay down to sleep, I ask for your protection against all evil. Guard my mind and heart from negative thoughts and influences. Keep me safe throughout the night and give me peace and rest. I trust in your love and know that you are always with me. Amen.

Short Prayer for Protecting Your Home From Evil

Heavenly Father, I ask for your protection over my home. I ask that you surround it with your loving presence, and keep all evil and harm far from its doors. May your holy angels guard and defend it, and may your peace and love dwell here always. Amen.

Short Bible Prayer for Protection

The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

Short Hedge of Protection Prayer

Heavenly Father, I ask for your hedge of protection to surround me and my loved ones. Keep us safe from harm, danger, and evil. May your angels surround us and guide us on our journey. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Short Prayer for Protection and Guidance

Lord, I put my trust in you. Protect me and guide me through this day and always. Give me the strength, wisdom and courage to overcome any obstacle that comes my way. Keep me safe from harm and danger, and lead me to your light. Amen

Short Prayer for Strength and Protection

Dear God, grant me the strength to face any challenge that comes my way and the courage to overcome them. Protect me and guide me through life’s journey. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Car Protection

Heavenly Father, please protect my car and all those who ride in it. Keep us safe on the road and watch over us as we travel. Amen.

Short Spiritual Protection Prayer

Dear God, I ask for your protection and guidance. Shield me from negative energy and grant me strength and wisdom to face life’s challenges. Keep me grounded in my faith and guide me to seek your will always. Amen.

Short Morning Prayer for Protection

Heavenly Father, as I start this new day, I ask for your protection and guidance. Watch over me and keep me safe from harm. Give me the strength and wisdom to navigate through the challenges that come my way. I put my trust in you and know that you are always with me. Amen.

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Short Morning Prayer for Family Protection

Dear Lord, as we begin this new day, we ask for your protection and guidance for our family. Keep us safe from harm and watch over us as we go about our day. Grant us the wisdom and strength to navigate through the challenges we may face. We trust in you and know that you are always with us. Amen.

Short Children’s Prayer for Protection

Dear God, I ask for your protection and guidance. Keep me safe from harm and watch over me as I go through my day. Help me to always make good choices and to be kind to others. Thank you for loving me and being with me always. Amen.

Short Prayer for Spouse Protection

Dear God, I ask for your protection and guidance for my [wife/husband]. Watch over them and keep them safe from harm. Give them the strength and wisdom to navigate through life’s challenges. I trust in your love and know that you are always with them. Amen.

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Short Angel Protection Prayer

Dear Angels, I call upon you to surround me with your loving protection. Shield me from any harm or negative energy, and guide me on my path. Help me to stay strong and true to myself, and to always make choices that align with my highest good. Thank you for being with me always, and for guiding me towards love and light. Amen.

Short Prayer for Peace and Protection

Dear God, I pray for your protection and peace. Keep me safe from harm and negative influences. Give me the wisdom and strength to navigate through life’s challenges. Fill my heart with peace and love. And help me to be a peacemaker in all situations. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Protection and Safety

Dear Lord, I humbly ask for your protection. Keep me and those I love safe from harm and danger. Watch over us as we go about our day and grant us safety and security. I trust in your love and know that you are always with us. Amen.

Short Prayer for Protection at Work

Dear God, I ask for your protection and guidance as I go to work today. Give me the wisdom and strength to navigate through any challenges that may come my way. Keep me safe from harm and negative influences. Help me to be a source of positivity and light in my workplace. I trust in your love and know that you are always with me. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Safety Travel and Protection

Heavenly Father, I ask for your blessings as I travel. Keep me and my loved ones safe on our journey. Watch over us and grant us a safe arrival. Grant us wisdom and strength to handle any situation that may arise. I trust in your love and know that you are always with us. Amen.

Short Protection Prayer for a Friend

Dear Lord, please protect and guide my friend. Surround them with your love and light and keep them safe from harm. Give them the strength and courage to face any and all circumstances . Please watch over them always and bless them with your grace. Amen.

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Short Protection Prayer Calling Upon Archangels

Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, I call upon you to surround and protect me with your divine light. Guide me on my path and help me make wise decisions. Keep me safe from harm and negative energies. Thank you for your unwavering love and protection. Amen.

Short Prayer for Prosperity and Protection

Dear God, I thank you for the many blessings in my life. I pray for continued prosperity and abundance in all areas, including my finances, relationships, and health. Please protect me from any negative influences and guide me towards opportunities for growth and success. I trust in your plan for my life and know that with you by my side, I am able to achieve greatness. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Protection From Enemies

Dear Lord, I ask for your protection from those who wish to harm me. Surround me with your love and light, and keep me safe from all forms of harm, including physical, emotional, and spiritual. Help me to forgive those who have wronged me and to see them through your eyes. Give me the strength and courage to stand up for myself, and the wisdom to know when to let go of negative people and situations. Amen.

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Short Protection Prayer for Safety in Bad Weather

Heavenly Father, we ask for your protection and guidance during this time of bad weather. Keep us safe from harm and guide us to shelter and safety. Please watch over us and protect us from any danger that may come our way. We trust in your love and wisdom, knowing that you are always with us. Amen.

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