41 Short Prayers for Healing and Recovery

Health and healing is a vital aspect of our lives, and it is important to turn to the power of prayer when we or our loved ones are in need.

May these prayers serve as a source of guidance as you lift up yourself or others to the healing touch of the divine.


Short Prayer for Your Own Healing and Recovery

Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking for your healing hand to be upon me. I trust in your love and mercy, and I pray that you would bring complete restoration to my body, mind, and spirit. May I experience your peace and strength in this time of healing. I ask all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Short Prayer for Someone’s Healing and Recovery

Heavenly Father, we lift up (name) to you today, asking for your healing touch upon them. We trust in your love and power, and pray for complete restoration in their body, mind, and spirit. Give them the strength and hope to face each day, and the comfort of your presence to ease their pain. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Short Prayer for Healing and Recovery for a Family Member

Heavenly Father, we lift up our family member to You. We ask that You would heal them, both physically and emotionally. Give them strength to face each day, and comfort in knowing they are not alone. We trust in Your goodness and Your faithfulness, and we know that nothing is impossible for You. We ask for a full and complete recovery, Amen.

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Short Healing Prayer for a Friend

Dear Lord, we lift up our dear friend to you today. We ask that you would surround them with your love and healing power. Bring relief to their pain and comfort to their heart. Give them the strength and courage they need to face this difficult time. We trust in your goodness and your faithfulness and know that you are able to do more than we can imagine. Amen.

Short Healing Prayer for a Loved One

Dear God, I lift up my loved one to you today and ask for your healing touch. I ask that you would surround them with your love and healing power, bring them relief from their pain and comfort to their heart. I trust in your goodness and your faithfulness and know that you are able to do more than we can imagine. Please heal [name] completely and restore them to health. Amen.

Short Prayer for Healing for Others

Merciful Lord, I lift up all those in need of healing to you today. I pray for your healing touch to be upon their bodies, minds and spirits, for complete and swift restoration of health. I ask that you grant them peace and comfort in the midst of any pain or suffering they may be experiencing. I trust in your goodness and faithfulness, and give you all the glory. Amen.

Short Prayer for Healing and Strength

Dear God, I come to you today seeking your healing touch. I ask that you would bring strength to my body and peace to my mind. I trust in your power to heal and your love for me. Give me the courage to face this difficult time and the grace to trust in your plan. I pray for complete restoration and wholeness in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Short Catholic Prayer for Healing

Lord Jesus, you went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. I ask you to heal me and to restore me to health. I trust in your love and your power to heal. I place myself in your hands and pray that your healing touch may bring me comfort, peace and strength. I pray through your holy and merciful wounds, through the merits of your passion and death, through your resurrection and ascension, and through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, all the angels and saints. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Healing a Broken Heart

Dear God, I come to you with a broken heart. I ask for your healing and comfort in this difficult time. Fill me with your love and peace, and give me the strength to face each day. Help me to trust in your plan and to know that you are always with me. I pray for the restoration of my heart and the ability to love and trust again. Amen.

Short Healing Prayer for the Sick

Heavenly Father, we lift up those who are sick and suffering. We ask for your healing hand to touch them and bring them comfort and strength. We trust in your power to heal and your love for us. We ask for your will to be done in their lives and for them to feel your presence with them. We pray for their complete recovery and for your peace to fill them. Amen.

Short Prayer for Healing and Recovery from Covid

Almighty God, we come to you in the midst of this pandemic. We lift up all those who are suffering from COVID-19, and ask for your healing hand to touch them. Bring them comfort and strength as they navigate this difficult time. We trust in your power to heal and your love for us. We ask for your will to be done and for your presence to be felt by all those affected. We pray for their complete recovery and for your peace to fill them. Amen.

Short Prayer for Your Own Healing and Recovery from Covid

Heavenly Father, I come to you today seeking your healing touch. I ask that you would bring strength to my body and peace to my mind as I recover from COVID-19. I trust in your power to heal and your love for me. Give me the courage to face this difficult time and the grace to trust in your plan. I pray for complete restoration and wholeness. Amen.

Short Miracle Healing Prayer

Almighty God, I come to you today in need of your healing power. I ask for a miracle to occur in my body, mind and spirit. I trust in your infinite love and grace. I believe in your power to heal and restore. I place my faith in you and know that nothing is impossible for you. I pray for complete healing and restoration, in your holy name I pray. Amen.

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Short Bible Prayer for Healing

Healing Lord, I turn to you and pray for healing. I trust in your word and your promises of healing. Isaiah 53:5 says that by your wounds I have been healed, so I come to you in faith, believing in your power to heal. I pray for healing in my body, mind and spirit, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Short Prayer for Peace and Healing

Heavenly Father, I come to you today seeking your peace and healing. I ask that you would fill me with your love and bring me comfort in this difficult time. I trust in your power to heal and your ability to calm my mind and heart. I pray that your peace would be my constant companion and guide me through this journey. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Healing and Protection

Heavenly Father, I ask for your protection and healing. Shield me from harm and guide me on my journey. Bring comfort to my mind, healing to my body and peace to my soul. I trust in your love and care for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Short Morning Prayer for Healing

Good morning Lord, I thank you for this new day and for your love and presence in my life. I come to you today seeking your healing touch. I ask that you would bring strength to my body and peace to my mind. I trust in your power to heal and your love for me. I pray for your guidance and protection as I face this day. I pray for complete restoration and wholeness in my body, mind and spirit. Amen.

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Short Night Prayer for Healing

Healing God, as I lay down to sleep, I entrust myself to your loving care. I pray for your healing power to surround me and bring rest to my body and mind. I ask that you would heal any physical or emotional pain I may be experiencing and grant me a peaceful night’s sleep. I trust in your faithfulness to watch over me and keep me safe. I give you all the praise and glory. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Your Healing of Cancer

Dear Lord, please heal my body and mind from cancer. Give me the strength and courage to fight this illness and the hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I trust in your power and love to guide me through this difficult time. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Someone’s Healing of Cancer

Healing God, we trust in your boundless love and compassion. We ask for your healing touch to be upon this person, who is struggling with cancer. Bring comfort to their pain, strength to their weakness, and hope to their hearts. May they feel your presence and know that they are not alone. We pray for a complete and lasting healing, in your precious name we pray. Amen.

Short Prayer for Surgery and Healing

Heavenly Father, I pray for your healing hand to be upon me as I undergo surgery. Please guide the hands of the surgeons and medical staff, and protect me from any complications. Give me the strength and courage to endure the procedure and the healing process. I trust in your loving care and grace. Amen.

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Short Healing Prayer After Surgery

Dear Lord, I thank you for the successful surgery and for the healing power of your love. Please guide my body as it heals and give me the strength and patience to recover. Watch over my medical team and bless them for their skill and compassion. I trust in your plan for my healing and give you all the praise and glory. Amen.

Short Prayer for Healing of the Body

Dear God, I pray for your healing touch on my body. Please remove any pain, sickness or disease and restore my health and strength. Give me the energy and vitality to live my life to the fullest. I trust in your power to heal and your love for me. Amen.

Short Prayer for Sleep and Healing

Heavenly Father, I pray for your peaceful presence to surround me as I rest. Please grant me a restful sleep and healing rest that my body needs to recover. Remove any anxiety or worries that may prevent me from having a good night’s sleep. I trust in your love to protect and guide me as I sleep. Amen.

Short Comfort Prayer for Healing

Dear God, I come to you in need of your comfort and healing. Please wrap your loving arms around me and bring me peace and strength. Help me to trust in your plan for my life and to have faith in your healing power. Give me the courage and hope to face this difficult time. I put my trust in you, my loving and merciful savior. Amen.

Short Prayer for Hope and Healing

Dear Lord, I come to you in need of hope and healing. Please bring me comfort and strength in my struggles. Give me the courage to face each day with determination, and the trust that through your grace, all things are possible. I pray for your healing touch to mend my mind, body, and soul. In your holy name, Amen.

Short Prayer for Healing Your Child

Dear God, I come to you with a heavy heart, asking for your healing touch for my [daughter/son]. Please bring them comfort and strength in their struggles. Give them the courage to face each day with determination, and the hope for a brighter tomorrow. I trust in your love and healing power to mend my [daughter/son]’s mind, body and soul. I pray for their complete recovery in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Short Jesus Healing Prayer

Lord Jesus, I ask for your healing power to come upon me. Heal my body, mind, and spirit. I trust in your love and goodness. Amen.

Short Prayer for Self Healing

Heavenly Father, I pray for your healing and strength to flow through me. Help me to trust in your love and to release any doubts or fears. Give me the courage and wisdom to take care of myself and to trust in your plan for my healing. Amen.

Short Prayer for Physical Healing

Healing Lord, I come to you in need of physical healing. I ask for your touch to mend my body and restore me to full health. Give me the strength to endure this difficult time and the faith to trust in your healing power. I pray for complete restoration in your name, Amen.

Short Prayer for Spiritual Healing

Dear God, I come to you in need of spiritual healing. I ask that you would reveal any areas of my heart and mind that need to be restored, and for your grace to heal the wounds and hurts that I am carrying. I pray for your spirit to fill me with peace, love and joy, and to help me grow in my understanding and knowledge of you. I trust in your love and your power to heal, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Short Prayer for Emotional Healing

Dear God, I come to you in need of emotional healing. Please fill me with your peace and love, and help me to let go of any negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear or sadness. I trust in your power to heal and renew my mind and heart, Amen.

Short Prayer for Mental Healing

Healing Father, I come to you today seeking your help for my mental well-being. I pray for your healing power to flow through my mind, bringing peace and clarity. I ask that you reveal and heal any wounds or traumas that are causing me distress. I pray for your guidance and wisdom to navigate any challenges I may be facing, and for the strength to overcome them. I trust in your loving care and give you all the praise and glory. Amen.

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Short Healing Angels Prayer

Healing Angels, I call upon you to surround me with your loving and healing energy. Please guide my body, mind and spirit to a state of perfect health and well-being. Help me to release any fears or doubts and to trust in the love and healing power of the divine. I am grateful for your presence and guidance, and ask that you continue to support me on my journey to complete healing. Amen.

Short Healing Prayer for Your Mom

Dear Lord, I lift up my mother to you and ask for your healing touch to be upon her. I pray that you would heal any physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments that she may be facing. Give her strength and comfort during this difficult time. I ask that you would surround her with your love and the love of those around her. I trust in your goodness and faithfulness and give you all the glory. Amen.

Short Healing Prayer for Your Dad

Heavenly Father, I ask for your healing hand to rest upon my father’s body, mind, and spirit. I pray for complete and swift healing, for the restoration of his strength, and for the relief of any pain or discomfort he may be experiencing. I ask that you grant him the peace of mind and spirit that only you can provide. I trust in your perfect plan for his healing and give you all the praise and glory. Amen.

Short Healing Prayer for Your Brother or Sister

Dear Lord, I pray for your healing touch to be upon my [brother/sister]. I ask that you heal any physical, emotional or spiritual pain [he/she] may be experiencing. Give them the strength and courage to overcome their struggles and to find peace and comfort in your love. I pray that you would surround them with your healing angels and guide their medical team in their care for them. Amen.

Short Prayer for Healing Your Eyes

Healing Lord, I pray for your restoring power to come upon my eyes. I ask that you heal any physical condition or ailment that is causing them discomfort or preventing them from functioning properly. I trust in your ability to bring sight to the blind and to heal all manner of sickness. I give you all the glory and praise. Amen.

Short Healing Prayer for Your Spouse

Heavenly Father, I come to you today lifting up my [husband/wife], who is in need of your healing touch. I pray for your hand to rest upon them, for their body, mind and spirit to be healed and restored to wholeness. I trust in your power to heal and bring about a complete recovery for [him/her], for the sake of their well-being and for our family. Amen.

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Short Prayer for Deliverance and Healing

Heavenly Father, I come to you in need of deliverance and healing. I ask that you would reveal any areas of my life that are holding me back and for your grace to set me free from any bondages or addictions. I pray for your healing touch to be upon my body, mind, and spirit and to restore me to wholeness. I trust in your power to heal and deliver, Amen.

Short Prayer for a Quick Healing

Healing Lord, I pray for your swift and powerful healing to come upon me. I ask that you would restore my body, mind and spirit to perfect health, with no delay. I trust in your ability to heal all manner of sickness and I give you all the praise and glory. Amen.

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